Here’s List of Surprising, Unique Facts about the Human Body that May Move You
UNIQUE FACTS ABOUT THE HUMAN BODY – Here are 15 things that you may have yet to know about the human body and how it works.
While we can see and feel our bodies everyday, truth be told that are still countless things that we don’t know about the human body and how it works. You can check the list below and see if there is at least one (1) item or fact that you have already encounter.
1. A nose on a normal state produces around a cupful of nasal mucus daily.
2. The wax in your ears is a type of sweat.
3. You blink more than ten million times a year as the eyes blink around 20 times in a minute.
4. For every one minute that passes, more than 30,000 dead skin cells is shed by the human body.
5. Also one of the unique facts about the human body is that the heart is a muscle and the only muscle that does not get tired.
6. There are around 8,000 taste buds in your tongue which all work together to help you taste your food.
7. Your years actually never stop growing.
8. The average fart of a human body in a day can actually fill a party balloon.
9. When you reach 70 years old, your heart has the huge chance of having beat around 2.5 billion times already.
10. Considering an average lifetime, a person has spent one whole year sitting on the toilet.
11. You have around 1,000 different skins in your lifetime as the whole surface of your skin changes every month.
12. You are 1 centimeter taller in the morning than you are before bedtime because of the compression on the soft cartilage during the day.
13. Also one of the unique facts about the human body is that it can produce as much as 40,000 liters of spit in a lifetime.
14. The human body has 2.5 million sweat pores.
15. The urine that the human body produces in a month can actually fill a bath.