KAPRE: Things You Need to Know About This Mythical Urban Legend


Kapre, a Legendary Mythical Urban Legend in the Philippines KAPRE – Here are some important things that you need to know about this mythical urban legend. In Philippine folklore, the Kapre is a mythical creature known for its height and dark, shaggy hair. This gorilla-like figure is often described as a tall creature with fiery … Read more

WHITE LADY: Facts About This Female Ghost in White Dress


WHITE LADY – Here are some important facts about this popular female ghost in white dress appearing in rural areas. The term “white lady” often refers to a ghost or spirit commonly described as a woman dressed in white attire. This figure is very common folklore and urban legends in various cultures around the world. … Read more

BABAYLAN: History & Facts About Philippine Shamans


Here are the History and Facts About Philippine Shamans Locally Known as “Babaylan” BABAYLAN – Here are the history and facts about the so-called Philippine shamans that many Filipinos do not know. The term “babaylan” refers to the native Filipino healers and community leaders, predominantly women. In Filipino tradition, a babaylan is someone with the … Read more

SIRENA: Facts About This Mythological Creature


SIRENA – Here are some facts that you probably don’t know about this mythological creature also known as Mermaid. ‘Sirena,’ often described as enchanting mermaids in folklore, have captivated human imagination for centuries. These mythical creatures, with their fish-like tails and angelic songs have been a part of Philippine folklore. The concept of mermaid can … Read more

SIGBIN: Things You Need to Know About This Mythical Creature


SIGBIN – Here are some important things you need to know about this Philippine mythical creature. Sigbin is a mythical creature in Filipino folklore described as a supernatural being. It is often described as a creature resembling a hornless goat or kangaroo. It is said to have large ears that can clap together and a … Read more

SANTA CLAUS: History & Origin of This Jolly White Bearded Man

Santa Claus

SANTA CLAUS – Here is the history and origin of this jolly white haired, bearded man dubbed as the Father Christmas. Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure associated with Christmas. He has been a part of the cultural and folklore traditions surrounding the … Read more

GAYUMA: Facts You Need To Know About Love Potion


GAYUMA – Here are some important facts that you need to about this magical liquid known as a love spell or love potion. Love has long been a subject of interest, and throughout history, people have sought ways to enhance and manipulate romantic feelings. One intriguing aspect of this pursuit is the concept of “gayuma” … Read more

ENGKANTO: Facts About Filipino Elves That You Should Know


ENGKANTO (Filipino Elves) – Here are some mysterious and important facts about this mythical creature that you should know. Engkanto is a term used to describe a variety of supernatural beings in Filipino folklore. These mystical creatures are believed to live in the unseen realms of nature, such as mountains, forests, and bodies of water. … Read more

NUNO SA PUNSO: Myth & Beliefs About This Dwarf-Like Creature


NUNO SA PUNSO – Here are some myth and beliefs about this popular dwarf-like creature within the rich history of Filipino folklore. A magical and mysterious creature known as “Nuno sa Punso,” exists in the Philippine mythology. These tiny beings are considered guardians of the environment, residing in anthills or mounds of earth, often called … Read more

WAKWAK: Facts About This Bird-Like Creature in Philippine Mythology


WAKWAK – Here are some unique facts and beliefs about this vampiric, bird-like creature in Philippine mythology. The Philippines is a country filled with rich cultural heritage and folklore, with a lot of mythical creatures that have terrified generations. Among these mysterious beings is the “wakwak,” a creature that haunts the stories of many Filipinos. … Read more