SANTELMO: Stories & Scientific Explanation About this Mythological Creature


SANTELMO – Here are some stories about this ball of fire and a scientific explanation about this mythological creature. Santelmo, also known as the ball of fire, is a topic of many stories in Philippine Mythology. However, some people still don’t believe in it despite the personal experiences shared by others. Sometimes they are used … Read more

ASWANG: Different Types of This Mythical Monster in the Philippines


ASWANG – Here are the different types of this mythical monster in the Philippines that you may not be familiar with. Aswang stands out as both fascinating and dangerous in the rich history of Philippine folklore. This fabled entity has captivated Filipinos’ imaginations for years, with stories ranging from spine-chilling horror to cautionary folklore. They are … Read more

Top 10 Facts About Cats You Probably Didn’t Know


Discover the Top 10 Surprising Facts About Your Adorable Furry Friend! CATS – Here are the top 10 facts about Felis Catus that you probably didn’t know including their mysterious traits. The beloved Felis catus, commonly known as the cat, has earned its place as one of the most popular animals around the world, including … Read more